When the Government Gets Involved

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In general as a society we like our privacy. We especially like our affairs to be private from and not meddled with by the government. We also like for things to go according to our plans. However, for reasons that will be highlighted below lack of privacy from the government, lack of government meddling, and things not going to plan is the exact situation you will end up in without consulting an attorney about a proper estate plan, estate administration, business plan, business policies, and contracts.

  • With or without a properly executed last will and testament your estate will be subject to governments rules and meddling. As well as government oversight as to the administration of your estate. This can add months, if not years to the execution of your estate, thousands of dollars in costs, and make what occurs within the administration of your estate public information. Further, without a properly executed health care power of attorney, general durable power of attorney, and living will; the government will get involved in your affairs over time.
  • As a business owner if you do not execute properly your own rules about some very basic business plans and policies you open yourself up to government interference, government rules, and overall potential lack of control. There are statutes that dictate how matters are to be determined within your business and model policies that are imposed upon your business, without your own properly executed rules, guidelines, and policies. Furthermore, the government rules can easily lead to litigation simply because government business rules, guidelines, and policies do not align with other business members or employees expectations.
  • One of the most litigated areas of law in the country are Contracts. People, on a daily basis, enter into written or verbal contracts. The problem with this is that laymen are making contracts without considering the hundreds of variables or even something as simple as a definition of a word. This leads to business partners, friends, neighbors, family members being at conflict with one another. The smallest of misunderstands or simple overlooked terms or conditions can and will break business partners, friends, neighbors, and family members apart. Then, the issue ends up in court. Where pre-determined government definitions and rules are applied to the situation. This often leads to an outcome where no party is happy, yet still mad at each other.

The good news, get The Walliser Law Firm, PLLC,  involved NOW. We desire to avoid court, achieve your goals, and make sure that your rules control. It is our aspiration to ensure that all parties have equal representation and understanding of whatever situation may be pertinent to you.

People have a misconception that getting an attorney involved means more rules and red tape. When in reality, The Walliser Law Firm, PLLC wants to help you avoid the government rules, make your own rules, avoid court, and in the process structure things so that government red tape is never an issue.

If you find yourself with questions or concerns about any of the above, even if it just peaked your interest, give us a call or email us today. 4236672906/jwalliser@walliserlaw.com